Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Movement begins!

Hello everyone, i've got exciting news!!

(these are just screenshots for two out of the four internships I have applied for)

I made it past the "auto resume check" for every single one of my internships!!

So for those who don't know the process, when you apply for a professional internship your resume is put through a computer program that looks for certain "key words" if your resume doesn't contain these key words than you are automatically NLIC (nlic = no longer in consideration), BUT if your resume does have the key words, then you move onto the next stage of the application. In the next stage of the application a real person will look at your resume, and if they like it then they will contact you for an interview. These key words are usually hinted at in the job description, so as long as you include the key words, when your resume is put through the program you should get to the next stage. I was sure that I would make it past the computer program, but nonetheless I was nervous, but it looks like there was no need!

In addition, for the alumni only professional internships (aka guest relations) I am already in the "interview stage" as seen above. I got the email this morning to schedule a screening interview, it is my understanding that this screening interview is not only for the alumni only internship, but also any other internships that I have applied for. So I am preparing myself for a wide range of questions, since I am applying for a wide range of management internships. My interview is scheduled for this Friday (Feb 7th) at 10pm. It was the latest possible time that they would allow, and I would be lying if I said i wasn't nervous. This weekend is also recruitment for the sorority that I am in (Sigma Kappa), so friday I will be at recruitment from 6-8:30, then I will have to rush home to prepare for my interview! (at this time I am considering changing my interview time to be before recruitment, but I haven't quite decided yet)

So here's an update on where my applications stand:
Alumni Only PI: interview stage
Management Internship-
Lodging- In progress
Retail- In progress
Theme Park Ops- In submission

Wish me luck!

"Believe you can and you're halfway there."
-Theodore Roosevelt 

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