Friday, February 28, 2014


So i've got some amazing news for y'all (i mean if anyone actually reads this).......


For those of you who don't know, the College Program is actually my back-up plan, i am still "in progress" for a few professional/management internships, but i still needed to get the college program in order to insure the fact that i will be returning to florida this summer/fall...for good! i have completed a few college programs in the past, but this time it just feels more 'real' because i plan on staying down in florida for good, rather than returning to texas after the internship is over. its a crazy feeling, i'm so excited for school to end, but at the same time im so nervous for the rest of my life to being. i've been dreaming about this for a solid 4 years, i can't believe its actually happening!

My role is concierge, and arrival date is June 9th. I already have a countdown on my phone and its only 99 days away! i can't believe in less than 100 days i will have graduated college (#FINALLY), quit my job at the hotel i currently work at (and don't really enjoy), and have moved down to florida, with the plans of staying there for the rest of my life! i still can't believe it! i feel like rapunzel when she's about to leave her tower!

To those of y'all still waiting, good luck!

"The big questions is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure." 
-Joseph Campbell


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