Tuesday, February 25, 2014

2-week mark.

Pretty short update here...today (well technically yesterday since it's past 12a) is my two week mark since my phone interview for the college program! They tell you at the end of the phone interview that you should hear back in 2-3 weeks (sometimes its longer, but in all my past CPs i've gotten accepted within the 3 week mark). Basically im hoping this week goes by fast! It should though, considering that i've got 3 tests and work every single day until saturday, so i should be able to stay busy.

Thats about it! i've got no quote today unfortunately, i'm really tired from being sick this past weekend, plus during that sickness i worked 2 overnight shifts at work, which mess with my normal-people sleeping schedule. oh, and i also have a test tomorrow that i should be studying for. 

Here's to hoping that i get some good news this week! 

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