Wednesday, April 9, 2014

We have dropdown! ....but not much else

Exciting news!

I logged into dashboard one day last week and noticed i had a dropdown! what that means: when i applied for the alumni only professional internship, it gave me the option to select multiple different roles/positions to apply for. i only chose guest relations. basically though if you are being considered for an alumni only role, that will role will have its won section on your dashboard. you can have multiple dropdowns, but since i only applied for one alumni only position, the only dropdown i was looking for was guest relations, and it showed up! As of now that role is "in progress", but from past semesters it seems like these roles dont get offered until towards the end of the recruiting season, so i haven't lost hope. 

HOWEVER, i have yet to hear anything back from my management internships (for lodging OR retail), and today they reposted the lodging MI application, and that has me worried. Did they not find the people they were looking for (including me?). its all very nerve-wracking. its been 3 weeks today (yes THREE WEEKS) since my second interview for those management internships, and my dashboard still sits "in progress". for some others their dashboard has moved to "interview stage", and after that they get moved to "post-interview stage" and most likely receive an offer, so basically i'm worried. 

I'm not going to lie and say i wouldn't be sad if i didn't get the Management internship, but i'm also still holding out for guest relations, because that would be a great role too. in other words i would be happy getting ANY of the three internships that i am still "in progress" for. 

The bright side is that i still have my college program, so no matter what i am going back to disney. I have found roommates and will be electing to live off property for the CP, its an amazing apartment complex and my roommates seem amazing too. It's just all starting to feel so real, i've got 6 class days until finals, then once finals are done i graduate. My last day at work (both jobs) will be May 31st. Its so soon! i'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that its actually happening, i'm actually graduating and going after a dream i've had for so many years. 

If you can dream it, you can do it.

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