Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Well...I have to say I kind of knew it was coming. I logged into my dashboard a few days ago and saw the dreaded "No Longer In Consideration" title on my dashboard. Thank goodness it was only for the Theme Park Ops Management Internship.

Why did I know that I would be NLIC? Well when I got the call about interviewing for other MIs (Management Internships) I wasn't asked to interview for this position. So I had the feeling that I wasn't going to be interviewed for the Theme Park Ops, therefore I would end up being NLIC'd. While its a little saddening, i'm very excited for whats in store for my other internships that are still "in progress".

I've got my MI interview on wednesday for lodging and retail, and i'm quite nervous. All I can really do is hope that everything will work out! As always I will let you know how the interview goes!


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