Friday, March 21, 2014

Second Interview = COMPLETE!


What a sigh of relief! My interview was Wednesday at 10:30a my time. I could barely sleep the night before! To be honest I probably went to be around 6 or 7am because I was just so restless and nervous. I work up around 9:30 to get dressed and set up my computer and etc. 10:30 came and went and around 10:40ish they joined the montage interview. I interviewed with two leaders, both men, one who worked front office and one who worked retail. They took turns asking my questions, mostly situational but leadership based.

Example questions:
-tell me about a time that you had a difficult situation
-tell me about a time when you were part of a project from beginning to end
-tell me about a time that you led a team in good business practices (I think that's how the question was worded, to be honest the sound cut out for a second so I'm like 98% sure that is what the question was)

...there were a few more questions but to be honest I can't remember them at the moment. Like I said I honestly think I did a very good job. I don't remember stumbling on any answers, and I think I gave very good answers with good examples to back them up.

The only thing I am slightly worried about is that I don't have a lot of "official" leadership/management experience. What I mean is that if they have to choose between me and someone else, they will choose someone else who has more "traditional" leadership/management experience. I've always been a trainer at all of my jobs, but I've never been a manager. I've assisted the guest service team lead (which is basically the manager of the front lanes) when I was working at target, I'd cover their lunches and sometimes meetings, meaning I'd work that position for a few hours, but I was never fully promoted to that position. So I fear that someone who has actually been a manager before will get the position instead of me. Personally, I believe that anyone can be leader, it's not just about holding the position, it's how you actually lead the people that look up to you.

Either way, time will tell! They said the last day to hear back was may 2nd (SO FAR AWAY). But from other people I've heard 2-3 weeks, so I honestly have no idea what the time frame is at the moment. I've done everything i can at this moment, so the only thing I can possibly do is cross my fingers and hope for the best! :)


Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Well...I have to say I kind of knew it was coming. I logged into my dashboard a few days ago and saw the dreaded "No Longer In Consideration" title on my dashboard. Thank goodness it was only for the Theme Park Ops Management Internship.

Why did I know that I would be NLIC? Well when I got the call about interviewing for other MIs (Management Internships) I wasn't asked to interview for this position. So I had the feeling that I wasn't going to be interviewed for the Theme Park Ops, therefore I would end up being NLIC'd. While its a little saddening, i'm very excited for whats in store for my other internships that are still "in progress".

I've got my MI interview on wednesday for lodging and retail, and i'm quite nervous. All I can really do is hope that everything will work out! As always I will let you know how the interview goes!


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Phone Calls, Interviews, Progress, oh my!

I haven't heard a peep, beep, or *ding* from my email since Feb 28th. Well I mean I have, but the emails aren't from Disney, which means I really don't care about them. That all changed March 7th.

I had just gotten out of work and saw that I had a missed call from a (407) number, which is also known as Disney's area code, not did I miss the call, but they left a voicemail!!! Needless to say I was freaking out, I only had 1% of battery left on my phone, so I raced to my car where I have a car charger, and listened to the voicemail. It was from Disney recruiting letting me know that they want to schedule a second interview for a MANAGEMENT internship! I did a little happy dance in my car, and called them back praying that my car charger would do its job and that I would be able to still catch them before they left the office (since this was friday around 4pm-ish). Chris from Disney Recruiting answered the phone, and informed me that I was part of special group of applicants in which they wanted to interview for TWO different management the same time! He informed me I would be interviewed for the lodging and retail management internships. (my #1 and #3 choice, since i haven't heard anything back about theme park ops, i'm going to assume that I wont be getting an interview for that, even though my dashboard still says "in-progress"). The day and time were set up, and on March 19th (in exactly one week), I will be taking part in what is called a "montage" interview, meaning it will be over webcam. There will be leaders from both lodging and retail interviewing me at the same time. Chris also told me that after the interview there would be no "yes/no" answer right away, but that in one to two weeks I will have a answer. Which means that by the beginning of april I will know if i am going to Disney for just a college program, or for an actual management position!

To say i'm nervous is an understatement, I have never really interviewed for a management position anymore, and having to do it "face to face" means I can't have a pile of notes next to me. I have rely all on my charisma! For the next week I will be going over my resume to find examples ways I have displayed good leadership, and I have started thinking of answers to possible interview questions. As always, I will let y'all know how it goes!

to recap:
College Program: ACCEPTED! (arrival- june 9th, role-concierge)
Professional Internships: Alumni-Only (guest relations)- in progress! (this internship only has one interview, which is the one that I already completed, so there's nothing left to do but wait. These internships are usually the last to hear back)
Management Internships: In progress in all 3, with an interview for retail and lodging on march 19th!

Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust y'all!