Friday, February 28, 2014


So i've got some amazing news for y'all (i mean if anyone actually reads this).......


For those of you who don't know, the College Program is actually my back-up plan, i am still "in progress" for a few professional/management internships, but i still needed to get the college program in order to insure the fact that i will be returning to florida this summer/fall...for good! i have completed a few college programs in the past, but this time it just feels more 'real' because i plan on staying down in florida for good, rather than returning to texas after the internship is over. its a crazy feeling, i'm so excited for school to end, but at the same time im so nervous for the rest of my life to being. i've been dreaming about this for a solid 4 years, i can't believe its actually happening!

My role is concierge, and arrival date is June 9th. I already have a countdown on my phone and its only 99 days away! i can't believe in less than 100 days i will have graduated college (#FINALLY), quit my job at the hotel i currently work at (and don't really enjoy), and have moved down to florida, with the plans of staying there for the rest of my life! i still can't believe it! i feel like rapunzel when she's about to leave her tower!

To those of y'all still waiting, good luck!

"The big questions is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure." 
-Joseph Campbell


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

2-week mark.

Pretty short update (well technically yesterday since it's past 12a) is my two week mark since my phone interview for the college program! They tell you at the end of the phone interview that you should hear back in 2-3 weeks (sometimes its longer, but in all my past CPs i've gotten accepted within the 3 week mark). Basically im hoping this week goes by fast! It should though, considering that i've got 3 tests and work every single day until saturday, so i should be able to stay busy.

Thats about it! i've got no quote today unfortunately, i'm really tired from being sick this past weekend, plus during that sickness i worked 2 overnight shifts at work, which mess with my normal-people sleeping schedule. oh, and i also have a test tomorrow that i should be studying for. 

Here's to hoping that i get some good news this week! 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Updates! (warning, long post ahead)

(whew! Its been a while! I'm SO sorry for the lack of updates, two jobs + school + sorority events has me being a pretty busy girl!)

So where do I begin....

Where did I leave off at? ah, yes, movement happenings!
I got the email Feb 4th to schedule my phone interview, which I did so for Feb 7th. That day I was a ball of nerves, luckily I had my sororities recruitment that afternoon, so I was able to take my mind off of everything for a short while. After recruitment finished I went home and proceeded to freak out a little before the interview. Overall I think I did ok in the interview, I had Nina as my interviewer, she had me rank the 3 management internships that I applied for in order of importance (I said lodging was my #1, with with Theme Park Ops as my #2, and retail my #3), and then she asked me some questions about each one, and also about the Alumni Only internship that I applied for (guest relations). I am a little nervous because I haven't had a whole lot of "official" leadership experience, being that most jobs I have had I have been a trainer, but never a supervisor. I think overall I did well though, only time will tell! Management Internship applications closed Feb 14th, which means that I should hopefully be seeing movement within the next week or so, I don't know for a fact but I think that for the Management Internships I might have to do a second interview. As for Alumni-Only Applications, those don't close until feb 28th, so i'm not expecting any movement on those for a few weeks if not for a month. The great thing is that the internship office does a great job with updating dashboard. For instance you can tell that they are going through management internship applications, because a few people on the FB group have been NLIC for Management Internships that they weren't necessarily qualified for, while I do feel bad for those that have been NLIC, it does give me a little hope because I haven't been NLIC yet.

Just as a little refresher here's my professional internship "timeline":
Applied: Jan 29th
"Thank you for applying" email: Jan 29th
"Schedule phone screen" email: Feb 4th
Phone screen: Feb 7th
(Management internship applications close Feb 14th)

Did I tell y'all that I was applying for the college program as a back up? WELL I DID! And boy did this application process go by quickly! I applied the day that applications opened (feb 6th), and a few hours later received my WBI (web based interview) email. For those of you who don't know, the web based interview is basically a personality test that asks you your opinion when it comes to certain situations. If you don't pass that WBI then unfortunately you aren't able to continue with the application process, which made me nervous! It's been a long time since I took the WBI, and one wrong answer can make you not pass, so needless to say I was VERY nervous. Well.....I passed the WBI!!!! After passing I received an email to schedule a phone interview, which I did schedule for Feb 10th. I can't remember my interviewers name, but I can honestly say that I am very confidant with this interview! With my experience already with the college program, combined with my job experience outside of the program, I do believe that I will be accepted. The college program is technically my back-up plan for if I don't get a professional internship, but its good to know that i've got a really good chance! They said they would let me know within 2 to 3 weeks, but sometimes people hear back sooner. I'm just keeping an eye on my dashboard and crossing my fingers for good news!

Here's my college program "timeline":
Applied: Feb 6th
"Thank you for applying" email: Feb 6th
WBI: Feb 6th
"Schedule phone interview" email: Feb 6th
Phone Interview: Feb 10th

Thanks for putting up with my long update, and I promise to try and update much more often!
- KT :)

"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." 
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Movement begins!

Hello everyone, i've got exciting news!!

(these are just screenshots for two out of the four internships I have applied for)

I made it past the "auto resume check" for every single one of my internships!!

So for those who don't know the process, when you apply for a professional internship your resume is put through a computer program that looks for certain "key words" if your resume doesn't contain these key words than you are automatically NLIC (nlic = no longer in consideration), BUT if your resume does have the key words, then you move onto the next stage of the application. In the next stage of the application a real person will look at your resume, and if they like it then they will contact you for an interview. These key words are usually hinted at in the job description, so as long as you include the key words, when your resume is put through the program you should get to the next stage. I was sure that I would make it past the computer program, but nonetheless I was nervous, but it looks like there was no need!

In addition, for the alumni only professional internships (aka guest relations) I am already in the "interview stage" as seen above. I got the email this morning to schedule a screening interview, it is my understanding that this screening interview is not only for the alumni only internship, but also any other internships that I have applied for. So I am preparing myself for a wide range of questions, since I am applying for a wide range of management internships. My interview is scheduled for this Friday (Feb 7th) at 10pm. It was the latest possible time that they would allow, and I would be lying if I said i wasn't nervous. This weekend is also recruitment for the sorority that I am in (Sigma Kappa), so friday I will be at recruitment from 6-8:30, then I will have to rush home to prepare for my interview! (at this time I am considering changing my interview time to be before recruitment, but I haven't quite decided yet)

So here's an update on where my applications stand:
Alumni Only PI: interview stage
Management Internship-
Lodging- In progress
Retail- In progress
Theme Park Ops- In submission

Wish me luck!

"Believe you can and you're halfway there."
-Theodore Roosevelt