Monday, January 27, 2014

It's Almost Time

Hello and Good Evening Everyone!

Professional Internship Applications "dropped" (meaning they are now open) approx 5 hrs ago, and to be honest I am still freaking out over it.

After reviewing the available internships I have chosen the ones that I will be officially applying for:

Management Internships:
-Theme Park Ops
Alumni-Only Internships:
-Guest Relations
-Traditions Internship

In reality, my first choice would be to get a Management Internship, then next choice is Guest Relations, and lastly Traditions. Out of the Management Internships I still haven't fully decided which one I want the most, it is between Lodging and Theme Park Ops (I am leaning more toward Theme Park Ops though).

Want to hear some GOOD NEWS?!?! I believe I have finally finished my resume! Before I go and submit the applications though, I have a few more things to do:
1. Write cover letters for each application (aka 4 cover letters, 3 for MIs (management internships), 1 for the alumni-only PI (professional internship)
2. Fact-check my resume (go with me here, I know this sounds a bit odd, but I really didn't know what else to call it. Basically I will be going through my resume, and looking at every 'bullet point' that I put for each job, and making sure I have an experience that pertains to that 'bullet point'. I dislike when people "fluff" their resumes with useless things that may in fact help them get the job, but they are things that they never actually did/do at their job. So for my own piece of mind I will be going through and checking everything, I figure its also good in the long run too because when (if?) I get an interview, and the interviewer decides to ask about a certain job aspect then I will be ready! ...does that make sense?)
3. Edit my resume one more time, just to make sure everything is practically perfect in every way (....see what i did there? hehe)
4. Wait on my letter of recommendation that is being written by my former supervisor (This is a back and forth subject, some people think you should submit a cover letter, others dont. Personally I don't see how it can hurt you if the letter is from a leader who has wonderful things to say about you!)

In the meantime, its currently 4am, and I am TIRED! I will get back to editing my resume tomorrow, in the meantime, i've decided to end every entry with an inspirational quote!

"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them."
-Henry David Thoreau

What foundations will you lay down today?

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