Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Drumroll Please.....


I got a call this morning (i'll admit, it woke me, up obviously I didn't tell them that though, lol), it was from my future boss! He told me which resort he worked at, and wanted to let me know that that will be my location for my management internship!

And the location is.......ALL STAR SPORTS.

I'll be honest, it is by far not my first choice location, but either way I am going to make the best of it, and i'm sure that I will be getting lots of experience that will help me for my future! I also just looked it up on google maps, and its only a 20 min drive from my apartment, so thats not too shabby either :D

Now the only thing left to do is wait for my arrival time, and get ready for a whirlwind of training and excitement!


Friday, April 18, 2014


I cannot believe that I haven't updated yet!!!

So....i've got some GREAT news!

(obviously I accepted :D )

Here's how everything went....
It was this past tuesday and I was getting really discouraged. That next day would be the one month mark since my second interview for the MIs, and a few people had gotten offers already. Normally I keep my phone on my desk during all of my classes (on silent, and my teachers know my situation), but on tuesday I had a test in my last class, so my phone was in my purse. I leave the test and look at my phone *BAM* I had a missed call and voicemail from a (407) number, and the freakout began. I listened the voicemail and it was someone from the internships office calling to speak to me about my management internship application for lodging (once they said lodging I started freaking out even more). I call back and there's no answer, so I leave a voicemail. On the way to my car I check dashboard and see that my dash had moved into "post interview stage" for lodging! Now this doesn't guarantee and offer, but most times its good news! I head home (freaking out the whole time, just going "please call me back, please call me back"), and tell my dad the good news. Then I wait for the call....it gets to after 5p and I just give up and say that she will call me back tomorrow, since its after 6p Disney time. Then two mins later, my phone rings. I don't know if i've ever ran back to my room (the living room was loud) faster in my life. I answer the phone, go through the regular HR questions, and then she tells me that she has good news for me! That I was being offered a Management Internship in Lodging!

Its been a long and trying recruitment process, but now that everything is falling into place it just feels amazing. This week overall has been amazing:

-got my offer (YAY)
-got my graduation invites in the mail
-took senior pictures
-signed a lease with my roommates at an apartment complex in FL

overall I am so excited to see what this adventure has in store for me, and I want to thank every one for the prayers and well wishes! Dreams really do come true!

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."
-Walt Disney 

46 days until I leave for Disney!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

I spy....MOVEMENT! or is it?

so tonight (sunday) out the blue BOTH of my dashboards for the Management internship for Lodging and retail moved from "in progress" to "interview stage". normally i would be crying from excited over this type of thing, since the next step is "post interview stage" which means an offer of employment! the reason i'm not excited? a lot of other peoples dashboard have been doing crazy things today, including going into "interview stage" also, even though those people HAVEN'T gotten a second interview.

frankly i have no idea what to think, i hope its something good, that an offer is headed my way. but at the same time i can't help but think "what if this is just the next step in the process of NLICing someone?"

i'm crossing my fingers, but i will update tomorrow once the dashboard has calmed down.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

We have dropdown! ....but not much else

Exciting news!

I logged into dashboard one day last week and noticed i had a dropdown! what that means: when i applied for the alumni only professional internship, it gave me the option to select multiple different roles/positions to apply for. i only chose guest relations. basically though if you are being considered for an alumni only role, that will role will have its won section on your dashboard. you can have multiple dropdowns, but since i only applied for one alumni only position, the only dropdown i was looking for was guest relations, and it showed up! As of now that role is "in progress", but from past semesters it seems like these roles dont get offered until towards the end of the recruiting season, so i haven't lost hope. 

HOWEVER, i have yet to hear anything back from my management internships (for lodging OR retail), and today they reposted the lodging MI application, and that has me worried. Did they not find the people they were looking for (including me?). its all very nerve-wracking. its been 3 weeks today (yes THREE WEEKS) since my second interview for those management internships, and my dashboard still sits "in progress". for some others their dashboard has moved to "interview stage", and after that they get moved to "post-interview stage" and most likely receive an offer, so basically i'm worried. 

I'm not going to lie and say i wouldn't be sad if i didn't get the Management internship, but i'm also still holding out for guest relations, because that would be a great role too. in other words i would be happy getting ANY of the three internships that i am still "in progress" for. 

The bright side is that i still have my college program, so no matter what i am going back to disney. I have found roommates and will be electing to live off property for the CP, its an amazing apartment complex and my roommates seem amazing too. It's just all starting to feel so real, i've got 6 class days until finals, then once finals are done i graduate. My last day at work (both jobs) will be May 31st. Its so soon! i'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that its actually happening, i'm actually graduating and going after a dream i've had for so many years. 

If you can dream it, you can do it.